
Constitution of the Brighton and Hove Section of the Clarion Cycling Club

1. Name.
The Brighton and Hove Section [referred to as ‘the Section’] affiliated to the Clarion Cycling Club [hereafter ‘the Club’]. It will therefore have as its official motto or slogan ‘Fellowship is Life’

2. Aims and objectives
The aim of the Section shall be to promote, in the area of Brighton and Hove, the objects of the Club:-
to promote Mutual Aid, Good Fellowship, and support for the principles of Socialism; to protect and further the interests of cycling and cyclists; to promote cycling as an environmentally benign form of transport and as a means of promoting health and fitness; to organise cycling and social activities as determined by the members of the Section.

3. Membership
Membership shall be open to all wishing to join. By joining, a member will be deemed to have accepted the constitution and rules of the Section and those of the Club.

4. Membership Fees
Fees shall be set annually at a General Meeting (GM). They shall include the national membership fee and any addition determined by the GM to cover Section expenses.

5. Committee
The purpose of the committee is to (1) ensure that the Section’s core activities continue between general meetings; (2) implement any specific actions agreed at the previous general meeting; (3) make recommendations to be put to the membership at the next general meeting.

To maintain core activities, the following specific officers should be elected at the AGM, to carry out the duties specified:

Secretary: to send out regular mailings to members about Section activities and liaise with the National Clarion as required

Treasurer: to monitor the Section’s financial resources and produce regular reports to the committee and general meetings

Membership secretary: to keep membership records and pass up-to-date mailing details to the secretary at regular intervals

Webmaster: to maintain an up-to-date website for the Section, including details of future rides, ride reports, and other news

Campaigns officer: to promote the Section’s values as listed in section 2 above and act as spokesperson on cycling issues.

Social secretary: to organise occasional social functions for Section members.

The committee shall consist of the above officers plus up to two ordinary committee members.

Officers and ordinary committee members will be elected annually at the AGM. They will retire each year but will be eligible for re-election up to a maximum of [three] years in any one post. The committee should meet as soon as possible after a GM and regularly thereafter.

6. Rules
The Section will conduct itself in line with the national rules, and may adopt, at a GM, specific Section rules as necessary.

7. General Meetings
The AGM shall be held within 15 months of the previous AGM. Notice of a general meeting shall be given by the Section Secretary not less than 21 days before the meeting.

The Committee or a minimum of 10 members or 20% of the membership (whichever figure is lower) may call a GM whenever necessary. Each member shall have one vote and motions shall be agreed or otherwise by majority vote.

8. Amendments to the constitution
The constitution may be amended by majority vote at a GM. In all respects, including any considerations or issues not covered by this Section constitution, the Section shall conform to the Constitution and Rules of the National Clarion Cycling Club.

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